Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spoiled Baby

A good friend had a baby shower this past weekend and I was buys making all sorts of girly stuff!!

All wrapped up in recieving blankets!

Tried my hand at bloomers!

A complete set

Monday, February 22, 2010

Boy Birthday!!

So it is going to be tough but I can not buy anything sewing related during Lent unless I need it, like bobbin thread. I have enough projects, etc to keep me busy and make do! I also can't buy the boys any clothes, eek and Nordstroms just started selling mini Boden.

Cooper's little buddy celebrated his birthday this weekend so I whipped up a quick gift! It is only cute for boys to wear shirts with their name on it for so much longer!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The best dressed girls around!!

I recently made a lot of shirts for a friends SIL, well she is my friend too! We actually did a triathalon together back in 2002. I do believe her two daughters will be the best dressed girls around.